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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Combining multiple frames in Photoshop

Here are three images which we want to combine.

  • Open an image combine1.jpg with photoshop.
  • Convert this image into layer by double clicking on background in Layers menu.
  • Drag other two images(combine2.jpg,combine3.jpg) and drop it on this image.

  • Do right click on combine2 and combine3 then select "Rasterize Layer".

  • Now select all three layer and go to Edit>Auto-Align Layers>auto,mark both Lense Correction and click on OK.
  • Now apply "Add Vector Mask" on layer "combine2".

  • Select Brush Tool using key "b" and erase man using this tool then goto Image>Adjustment>Invert (CTRL+I) and invert image.
  • Now select combine3 layer. apply "Add Vector Mask" and again erase man using brush tool then invert layer using CTRL+I.

  • You can see that all three layers will be combine.

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